| News: Hello everyone! Sorry it has been so long in updating but I have some updates as well as some BIG news. So this past weekend I have been to Quinni-con a small first year convention at Quinnipiac University in Hamden CT. It was a great convention I met some great cosplayers and staff alike! If you are in the area next year this is a great con and because it is at a school it is completely free! Also a few weeks ago I went to AnimeBoston. As usual they have a great event for the nerd in us all. This year like the many I have previously gone to was a great experience I got to meet not only tons of great artists, and staff but all the people who stopped at my table were awesome! Tons of really great costumes this year.
As for costume/prop updates I have recently finished several props which will be in my gallery shortly consisting of dead master props, evangelion unit 01 knife, lightnings gunblade, and vash the stampedes gun. Next in line to go are a Batman secret society mask, a dead space two helmet, and a few others...
For non costume/cosplay updates I now have several accounts for you to follow me through now Facebook and Twitter where you can follow my in progress pictures as well as my con schedule and updates on Tawnie Bow Studios products, I also have a DeviantArt where I tend to put more pictures of my work on a regular basis, and most recently have acquired a youtube it is kind of bare right now but I am planning on putting up tutorials of not only my TawnieBow merchandise but of cosplay tips and tricks and cosplay updates. Last but not least BIG NEWS I am going to be selling wigs! I am going to be selling them through my Etsy but am aiming to have a shopsite where you can buy them directly from me...although that will most likely be through www.tawniebow.com
I hope everyone is doing well hope to see you at my next convention AnimeNext!
Tawnie In November I went to Gobble-con and although it was a small con it was a great experience because it was like going to a convention where everyone is family and the Head of the alley Jenn was great throughout the entire convention. If you are looking for a laid back local convention next November make sure to check out www.gobble-con.org While at Gobble-con I was able to meet up with the girls from http://www.royalnerd.com They were really sweet and were interested in getting a Janine pokemon trainer wig done for Kotoricon. This wig is now in the wig tab. If you are from the New England area or go to cons in the area make sure to check there cosplay group out! They did a great skit at Kotoricon which is at their website. Right now I am working on some commission which are Dead Master, Halloweentown Sora, and Lightnings gunsword and the knife from Evangeline as well as preparing for Manganext possibly and definitely AnimeBoston. Hope everyone had a great Holiday season, and don't forget to check out my sister site for cosplay/lolita accessories http://www.tawniebow.com Tawnie
So I just got back from AAC and had a great time thank you everyone for stopping by my table and saying hi. I know I haven't updated in quite awhile but I have been really busy finishing up some large commissions. Anyway I am in the process of doing a major rehaul on both this website and my sister website www.tawniebow.com Please look at the costume and prop pages as they both have several new pictures and soon there will be a wig page as well because I am now opening up for wig commissions as well which means I will be your one stop location for all your costuming needs. If you have any questions feel free to shoot me an email.
Hey everyone just wanted to show you my big daddy that I finished with working Led's and spinning drill...sorry that its kind of dark but wanted you to be able to see the lights. Tawnie
I just got back from Anime Boston! It was a great experience and thanks to everyone who stopped at my table. I have been working really hard to get some new commissions and merchandise for my table. I recently have started a sister website that solely has the merchandise I will be selling at conventions such as headbands, mini tophats, fleece hats, small charms, and animal ears. Please visit it at www.tawniebow.com I have recently updated my costumes and prop pages so feel free to visit them
Lately I have been working on commission that will be posted soon and working on increasing my inventory. The headband/hats page has been updated and will be again next week with new merchandise. I am getting ready to go to Anime Boston and am hoping to get into portconmaine, connecticon, AAC and maybe Animenext. Hope to see you there. If you are interested in commissioning a costume, prop, or accessory let me know.
past weekend I went to AAC in New Hampshire. It is a much smaller
convention but it was still great! All of the con goers were great to
talk to and meet. My next convention is AnimeBoston and I am already
excited. As usual I have recently updated the website so feel free to
look around!
As October is approaching I have been rapidly been
getting busier with both commissions and with AAC coming up, I will have
a full table with tons to see so stop by! Anyway I have updated my
pictures and have added a new prop/accessory tab. Feel free to take a
a few years now I have been making my own as well as my friends
costumes and have loved it. My goal is that anyone who would like to
have a costume can have one. I will try to make a costume at the price
point that you want to pay for it while still keeping it beautiful and
accurate to what you want. Please take a look around the website and consider Tawnies Cosplay n Costume for your next costume purchase.
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